A few decades dorsum, if you needed to identify a telephone number, yous'd just pollex through the listings in the public directory or phone volume for your state or area code until you establish the person yous wanted to phone call.

Today, our phones hold our phone books in a tiny SIM menu, which saves phone numbers, email addresses and the contact'south photo. Nonetheless, if you get a telephone call or text message from an unknown number that'due south non saved on your phone or SIM bill of fare, you may need a different service to find the person's name or identity.

To assistance you with that, here are some of the best sites to identify phone numbers online. Too, be sure check out our YouTube channel where nosotros posted a short video going over some of the sites mentioned in this article.

All-time Sites To Place a Phone Number Online

About people search for anything they're looking for on search engines similar Google, Bing and others, but these aren't as proficient for finding telephone numbers as people search sites are. Yet, you could find telephone numbers related to a business or visitor depending on whether or non it has an online presence.

People Search Engines

People search engines on the other hand, non simply help you detect who you're looking for, but they too prove you contact details, relatives, location, work history, and more. Nearly of these sites rely on information from public records and allow yous to search using what you already know.

They as well use reverse tactics, social media profiles, spider web searches and other methods. For case, yous can look up a prison cell phone number belonging to a person if you know their name, e-mail accost or concrete accost. The following list of the all-time search sites will help you notice people online with just a  telephone number.

However, some of these sites charge a fee, and some of the data may be outdated, so you may or may not find the right identity.

Social Media Platforms

One of the all-time means to place a phone number is by looking information technology up on social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, which have a massive user base from all over the globe.

Virtually of these users share information including their personal and/or business phone numbers, then yous tin hands find the person behind a specific number. Just enter the phone number into the platform'southward search bar and see what information technology turns up.

Nevertheless, not everyone's profile is public, and so you may take to connect with the person kickoff before you can access and see their personal details. Some also hide such data from their friends, which makes it even harder to discover.

While you lot can use social media to identify a phone number at no cost, there's no specific search function for identifying phone numbers.

If you had no luck identifying a phone number using social media platforms, you can endeavour number lookup services, which are specifically made to find phone numbers and their owners.  Below are some useful options:


This is a popular app for smartphones that displays the proper noun of the person calling you, even if they're non in your address book. It runs via mobile data or WiFi, but if you don't want to use the app on your phone, y'all can e'er run an online check to identify an unknown phone number via the TrueCaller website. Although y'all'll need to sign in with an electronic mail address to become the results.

Autonomously from matching names and telephone numbers, Truecaller tin can likewise block unwanted calls, preventing pesky spam callers and marketers from disturbing you lot.


Whitepages allows yous to search for people by their name and telephone number in the US, whether they're landline or mobile numbers.

The interface is simple, so you'll just enter the number in the Phone search field and the site will help you place the possessor. Similar TrueCaller, this site also offers an Android app, which you lot can use as a caller ID app, and search for a number from its over 200 1000000 entries in the U.s.a..

If there'southward no entry for the number you lot're looking for, Whitepages volition give you a few bones details similar location, fraud take a chance, or spam adventure related to it.


ZabaSearch provides public data virtually people and how they're continued to others. Such information can be a phone number, concrete address and birth date, or any personal information available on the web.

It collects data and puts it in a convenient platform for anyone to admission. You can search for a phone number and find people that way, or if you have a name or address, it'll run a cheque through its database and give y'all the results, where possible.


AnyWho is an online service that lets you reverse lookup and identify phone numbers for complimentary. Only enter the phone number you're looking for and it'll brandish all the details almost it.

You can as well perform yellow page searches and people searches while you're at it, peculiarly if you lot observe that the name associated with the phone number is unfamiliar. While its algorithm lets you search the directory in reverse, it only gives you lot numbers for the US, and jail cell telephone numbers aren't available, so your search is express.

Spy Dialer

This is another gratis service that's legal to use when you desire to search for and identify a phone number, person'south name, address and email address to dig upwardly more details.

Its database contains billions of numbers, letting you find jail cell phone numbers, landline numbers, and VoIP numbers.  Its main drawback is that it searches for the name and phone number separately, dissimilar other platforms that show you all the details behind a phone number.

Search Phone Numbers Easily

A phone number can reveal a lot of information most a person like their name, location, addresses, and much more. If you lot received a call from a number that's non familiar to you or that's non saved in your phone book, it can be challenging to get information, especially for cell phone numbers. Thankfully, the sites mentioned above brand them like shooting fish in a barrel to detect and identify before you ring them dorsum.

Exercise you have useful tips and tricks that help y'all place a phone number? Share them with us by dropping your comment in the department below.